What is an Abscessed Tooth
How to Cure the Infection
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Abscessed Tooth
There are fewer things worse in life than a painful, throbbing cavity. A severely abscessed tooth, however, is hands down one of them. The pain, swelling and overall discomfort is something that no one should have to deal with ever! Unfortunately, like many other dental conditions, abscesses are a part of life. The idea of practicing good oral hygiene is to make our encounters with abscesses of the teeth and gums, as few and far between as possible. While a typical abscess of your tooth or gum area may start off slowly; it can very swiftly pick up a head of steam.
In certain cases, especially for those people who have compromised immune systems; what began as a “simple” abscessed tooth can turn into a deadly, life-threatening attack on your entire system. Infections from an abscessed tooth can, in very rare instances, spread to the brain
What is an abscessed tooth or abscessed gum?
An abscess is a collection of pus that has collected in response to bacteria. Tooth abscesses are usually located in the root tip, while gum abscesses are usually located along the root of the tooth. Sometimes mixed abscesses, which combine tooth and gum abscesses, can occur.
Why does this occur?
Abscesses are a defensive reaction of the body to prevent the spread of infection. They can happen due to bacterial infections, trauma, nerve inflammation and the presence of foreign bodies.
symptoms and risks of having an abscessed tooth
If you have an abscess, you may experience shooting pain, a swollen face, and discomfort on biting down, a headache or pressure. The risks of not treating a tooth or gum abscess include gum or bone damage
What does an abscess feel like?
Most people feel pain from an abscess, but it is possible to not notice pain for months or even years. An abscess is typically swollen, irritated and filled with pus. Many people will likely feel pressure from the pus and irritation from the infection.
The pain may feel throbbing. Other symptoms may include a fever, swollen neck glands, sensitivity to heat or cold, pain, bad taste in the mouth, bad breath, or pain. Don’t leave an abscess without treatment
How is it treated?
An abscessed tooth needs treatment right away. Your dentist may:
- Give you antibiotics to kill the bacteria causing the infection.
- Make a hole in the tooth to drain the infection and relieve the pain.
- Do a root canal to remove the infected pulp in the tooth.
- Remove the tooth. This may be needed if you don’t want a root canal.
You and your dentist can decide what’s best for you.
Types of dental abscesses
A Periodontal abscess looks rather like a boil on your gums. These abscesses develop from gum diseases, like Gingivitis, that have not been properly treated by a Dental professional. It usually starts in the supporting structures between the teeth and spreads into the gum tissues. Pockets of bacteria and germs form and eventually turn into a full-blown abscess.
A Periapical abscess is the most common type. They occur entirely inside the tooth structure. This kind of abscess shows up at the tip of your tooth’s root and then spreads to the surrounding bone area. Cavities cause abscesses, but they can also develop if the nerve dies inside your tooth.
Complications of Dental abscess
In rare cases, complications do arise. These can include:
- Cellulitis, an infection of the skin tissues.
- Ludwig’s angina, which occurs when cellulitis spreads into the tissues under the tongue, in the lower jaw and under the chin.
- Osteomyelitis, an infection of underlying bone.
- Parapharyngeal abscess, an abscess at the back of the mouth, near the throat. It is caused by staphylococcal and/or streptococcal bacteria.
- Cavernous sinus thrombosis, can occur when the infection spreads into the blood vessels in the sinuses of the head.
- Sepsis
Tooth Decay
Abscessed Tooth
Root Canal Treatment
Abscessed Tooth